By Donny Weber - June 7, 2015
Originally appeared here in The Jerusalem Post
There is much being written by the national and international media, buoyed by their politics and agenda, and a message being pushed by NGO’s, outside governments, and various agencies, politicians, partisan players, and “those with a principled agenda” as regards the “plight” of the Ethiopian community in Israel: the State is racist.
Yes. There are major political, social, and especially economic issues and struggles amongst the majority of more than 140,000 Ethiopians in Israel. Issues of race, culture, and disadvantage are also at the forefront of recent demonstrations and clashes with law enforcement.
But Israel can boast of an Ethiopian success that not even Ethiopia match. Israel can boast of a success with a non-native population far exceeding its native population--within literally months of its founding.
And yet, Israel never had separate drinking fountains, or schools, or train cars, or education systems. Israel has not had a racial or religious based banishment of people from government or public service. Israel does not permit discrimination in employment or hiring practices. Israel did not have slavery and can look at it’s magical history in welcoming--literally-- a “melting pot” of people from every single country in the world.
Yet, sordid characters are claiming apartheid.
And I want to say clearly, concisely, directly: this ain’t your poppa’s South Africa, this ain’t your momma’s Klu Klux Klan American South!!
If you want to see such turn to ISIS, turn to Islamic ruled or western manipulated nationd in Africa or Asia. Israel is a bastion of freedom, democracy, self determination and goodness. And like every other nation it grapples with it’s flaws and its deficiencies. Read More