(Photo By: CyMagic)

(Photo By: CyMagic)

By: Viva Sarah Press, NoCamels - October 8, 2020

Mordechai Braunstein doesn’t just talk social entrepreneurship; he devises, collaborates and creates solutions to some of today’s important issues.

His name may not ring a bell just yet but two of his many projects-on-the-go have already gained him international recognition in their respective fields: accessible music and women’s rights. 

Moments before COVID-19 shut down the arts world, Braunstein was set to embark on a tour of European cities with his CyMagic interactive music installation. It’s a music project like no other that shows audiences what sounds look like in a physical form and lets them feel the vibrations.

“It’s a new level of connection,” he tells NoCamels. “It’s a new musical experience.”

CyMagic is based on the science of cymatics, a field of study dedicated to the effects of sound on matter. Braunstein created a way to translate live music into a tactile music experience – that can be physically touched and felt. 

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