(Photo Courtesy: H2Pro)
By: Brian Blum - December 27, 2020
Hydrogen is an ideal “green” replacement for fossil fuels. When hydrogen is burned or converted into electricity using a fuel cell, the only byproduct is water; there are no harmful CO2 emissions. Moreover, one kilogram of hydrogen packs as much energy as a gallon (3.8 liters) of gasoline.
Unfortunately, although hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements on earth, almost all hydrogen is “locked up” in molecules, mainly as water and other organic compounds. The most common way to extract hydrogen is from natural gas, but the process releases large amounts of carbon dioxide. A less polluting approach is to split water into oxygen and hydrogen using electrolysis, but this method isn’t energy efficient.
Israeli startup H2Pro has a better idea, and Royal Dutch Shell named it the “best company in the scale-up track” in its New Energy Challenge competition.
Read More: Israel21c