(Photo By: Juganu)

(Photo By: Juganu)

By: Abigail Klein Leichman - January 18, 2021

When Groupe Renault hosted a global hackathon to scout out disinfection solutions for automobiles, the Israel regional winner was the lighting company Juganu.

Juganu (Hindi for “firefly”) is in discussions with Groupe Renault about how its J.Protect LED lighting fixtures could inactivate pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, in car cabins.

This is a perfect example of a company whose technology unexpectedly took a new market direction due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Juganu began with a novel streetlight system that doubles as a public Wi-Fi network.

“We created a totally new LED light and a platform on which data of all types can be transferred between the lights,” Chief Marketing Officer Eyal Lewin tells ISRAEL21c.

Read More: Israel21c
