(Photo By: Israel Innovation Fund)
By: Eliana Rudee - June 24, 2021
Entrepreneur Adam Bellos has a vision for Israel. Zionism, he says, was intended as both a national and cultural revolution, though Israel is often seen through a political lens—both in the Diaspora and in Israel itself—and not enough emphasis is being placed on the cultural aspects.
Cultural works, such as pieces of art made available for public consumption, Bellos told JNS, can redeem the country. Bellos, founder of The Israel Innovation Fund (TIIF), brings the best of Israeli culture to the world through its Hebrew Wallpaper Project (HWP), Wine on the Vine, and What If? Studios.
“The Hebrew Wallpaper Project inspires, employs and beautifies Israel—it beautifies the country through the murals, employs Israelis artists and uses Israeli art to showcase the communities that we are trying to serve,” said Bellos, who dreams of commissioning painted murals all around the country.
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